Thursday, February 4, 2010

goodwill love

Justin and I have been looking for good-sized (large) backpacks to use for carrying things out to the homeless on the weekends.  We have not had any luck yet, but tonight decided to try Goodwill in Irving.

No backpacks, but I was still super excited about some finds!

We got like 30-ish pocket sized Bibles to pass out for only $.59 each!

We got Ava some shoes.


Justin got a book.

And I got a Boppy and a Boppy Lounger for only $2 each!  I was thrilled!!!  They are anywhere from 25-40 dollars if you buy them new.  No, we don’t need them for any of our own babes yet, but maybe one day.  For now I will use them when I take pictures of newborns.  They make good props.  :)

           Above image from

              Above image from

Yay for good finds :)


jill said...

how neat! love the bibles!!!! can't wait to see YOUR babe on the boppy one day! :)

Megan said...

I love getting great goodwill finds!
I think its so great you guys have a passion for the homeless. I am sure God is going to fulfill your desire and lead many of them to the Lord!