I never got to watch Happy Feet. The copy I rented has scratches on it and won't play in our DVD player. We ended up just watching some TV instead. I'm going to exchange it though, cause I still want to see it!
Saturday my friend Lacey and I went to see Bride Wars. It was really cute. It meant a lot to us because both of us got married last year. We could really relate to all the pre-wedding stress. Plus since we are good friends, we were involved in each others wedding planning. I was surprised at how much I laughed out loud at this movie! I recommend it, but I wouldn't take the guys. I'm sure Justin would not have enjoyed it!
Here is a really old picture of me and Lace. It's the only one I have on my computer.
When the movie was over and Justin got off work, he and I went to his Uncle Dennis's house. We had pizza and played on the Wii. Dennis just bought it and only had the sports game, but it was so much fun! Here is my boxing champ!
He was really good at all the sports. I was only good at the bowling.
Sunday, of course, was church day. Church was great as always. Brother Tom had a really good message about how the "church" is not about us, but about reaching out to the lost and hurting and telling them about Jesus. After church we had lunch with the family, a nap, and then went to see Paul Blart: Mall Cop. It was pretty funny. Justin and I both love Keven James on KIng of Queens, so we figured we would like the movie. It sorta reminded me of "Home Alone". After that, we went to the evening church service and then out to eat at Chili's. I just ate chips and salsa. Gosh, I just love that stuff. I think I could eat it every day!
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