Where do I begin?!? I can't believe I have gone so long without posting anything at all. I just haven't had time. This could be a longgg one.
This past Saturday, Christ Church held it's annual Spring Fling event at Kiroli Park. It's just a time when everyone can get together for some fellowship, games, food, and Easter egg hunting. Justin went super early in the morning to help set up. I stayed home and slept late and met him up there later.
Sunday night at church we had some special guests from a program called Teen Challenge. Teen Challenge is a Christian faith-based solution to life-controlling drug and alcohol problems. A few of the guys and girls gave their testimonies, and I was on the verge of tears. It's amazing and inspiring to see the work that God has done in these peoples' lives. Many of them were addicted to heavy drugs and/or alcohol and/or in prison before entering the program, but are now completely free! They also signed Mercy Me's song "I Can Only Imagine". It was very touching to see those young girls and women up there with such passion and such hope. I cried like a baby. If you've never heard the song, you should give it a try here..
Monday, Justin and I got a big surprise. His parents decided to buy me an early graduation gift. It's something we've been needing desperately. A new washer and dryer!!! I couldn't have been happier! Our washer went out about a month ago, so I've been having to carry all of our dirty laundry to the in-law's house to wash. Needless to say, it has not been fun. And I'm so grateful for this gift :)
Tuesday was busy, but pretty uneventful as far as I can remember. (all of my days have sorta been running together lately...) Anyway, so here are some new kitty pics--
Wednesday was a big day. I'll handle it in list form!
1.) My good friends Heather and Chad are pregnant and expecting a little one at the end of August this year. They went to the doctor yesterday to have an ultrasound and find out the sex of their little angel. Well guess what!?! It's a boy!!!
I cannot wait to go shopping with Heather for little boy things. I'm so excited already to meet this little guy!!! Congrats again, Heather and Chad!!!
2.) Justin and I have been going back and forth on what to do about my near future. I graduate next month, but there has been a toss up between me going back to school immediately or just going straight to work. After trying ULM last week with no luck (they told me 3 years to complete my bachelor's in Elem. Ed), I tried LA Tech yesterday. They are telling me I can be finished with my bachelor's by next winter. We decided to go for it! So as of June, I'll officially be back in school as a Tech Bulldog! I cannot believe I'm going straight back to school, but I know it will be worth it in the long run. Wish me luck! And if there are any teachers out there with advice, suggestions, or whatever, they are surely welcome! :)
3.) After a long day, we ended it with a night of First Wednesday Worship at church, dinner with friends at the lovely Wingstop, and American Idol. Does it get any better than that?!!?
Mmm.. I love wings and french fries. Even though I know they aren't good for me. Or maybe thats why I love them so!
And American Idol was okay.. the results shows are never my favorites. Some of the people were acting pretty crazy on there last night. I'm not mentioning any names. haha! :P
alrighty, I think this post is long enough. I need to get out of this house. My hubby told me tonight that I needed to go buy myself a new dress. Aren't I lucky? He's so good to me.
Have a wonderful evening!!!
Aw...love the part bout me, Chad, & Baby Wallace.
aww! I'm so happy for Heather!! A BOY!! YAY!
and YAYY again for the washer and dryer! I know yall needed that!
I'm so happy you posted again before I left! lol .. btw, I tried calling you earlier, like around 6 or so.. if you get this before 7am tom. morning call me please. I have a favor to ask of you. :)
loooove the washer and dryer! appliances get me excited .... how sad. if you need any help with any elem ed stuff when school gets going, let me know! i have lots of my old work still saved, so i'd be glad to share if you need any help. the kitty pics are precious, even though i'm not a cat person. happy friday eve!
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