Since we decided to move 5 hours away from all our family, we spent some time seeing everyone before we left.
My daddy is the best "griller" ever in my eyes. He grilled some ribs and some pork steaks that were out of this world. A bunch of my family got together at his place to see Justin and myself and to eat. It was also nice to see my daddy since it was only a few days before Father's Day.
Here are some pictures from the day. Mostly Miss Ava since she's so cute. My camera loves her!
Ava got new sunglasses!She wanted Aunt Lissa to wear them...
Think I could just eat those cheeks.
She can "CHEESE" when she wants to!
Me with my sweet tan man.. Girl has some lips! :)
Ava and her Papa B. He's smitten big time!
I love my daddy!!!
2 comments:! the lips picture is the most awesomest thing i've ever seen!!!!!
I love family days like these. too bad we didn't do more of them before yall moved. I guess the holidays will be extra special for now on!
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