I have had great intentions to blog several things ranging from before we moved until now… that’s about 3 weeks worth of stuff! Things have just been busy and hectic though, and when I’ve had free time I haven’t wanted to spend it on the computer. But for my memory’s sake, I’m about to dump it all into one big post!
The week before our big move, I wanted to spend time with my friends and family in the Dallas area. Justin and I had lunch with the Henderson’s one day. Then I had a girls’ night out with Jenna, Kaitlin, and Gabby. We had super yummy dessert and great conversation. It was so fun! But hard to say good-bye of course.

Justin and I also spent a day hanging out with Candice and Ava. We grilled burgers and swam. It was a really fun, but bittersweet day. I miss my sister and Ava so much already. Oh, and Dom too! haha :)

Another big event that week was that I had my last appointment with Dr. Freeman. Justin and I both loved her and hated to leave her. She has taken such good care of Judah and myself. At this last appointment I had to have my blood drawn for the glucose test. Yummy!

It actually didn’t taste terrible.. but it was just too much to drink in such a short period. I thought I was going to get sick afterward, but held it in! Then I was almost positive I had failed the test because I ate breakfast that morning.. and the lab tech told me I should have fasted! But I passed!!! The only problem that they found in my blood work was that I’m anemic. So I’m now taking iron supplements along with my prenatals every day.
We ended up moving on Monday, June 20th, after hours and hours of cleaning the apartment. It was really tough to move and do all of that deep cleaning with a big belly! We got it done though.
In West Monroe we have most of our stuff in storage and are staying with Justin’s parents while he looks for a job. So far he has put in a ton of applications and resumes, but only had one interview. It’s in God’s hands! We have found very few places that we would even consider moving to. I didn’t realize how hard it would be to find rental property! This is quite an ordeal. And I’m SO ready to get settled somewhere and start working on making the place our home and getting things ready for Judah. He will be here in less than 3 months!
Besides job and house searching.. I have had some fun times! Our first Saturday here we went to a little family reunion with my dad’s side of the family. It was a gorgeous day to swim and cook out.

I also took an afternoon recently to visit my mom and mamaw in Farmerville. It was so good to see them and just talk for a while. We even pulled out old pictures of my mom when she was pregnant with me and compared bellies!
I’ve had some great time catching up with friends. I have gotten to see my long lost friends, Penny and Audrey. I had lunch with Penny and just saw Audrey at Johnny’s Pizza. I got to spend an afternoon with Lacey and Lauren. I just love those girls and know we will have lots more hang out time this summer. Can’t wait! And I got to spend time with sweet Hope. She is due with her first baby, Fisher, just a few days before me. We had so much fun talking about our pregnancies and stuff. I can’t wait to visit with her more either.
Things to come:
- hopefully this month Justin will find a job and we will move one more time!
- I have 2-3 photoshoots lined up for this month. :)
- West Monroe baby shower coming up in a month, August 6th!