Where to start? This is gonna be a long one......
This Christmas was wonderful. It was full of love, joy, surprises, family, good food, and most importantly Jesus.
Christmas Eve night after Justin got off work we spent time with his parents, sister, and our soon to be brother-in-law.
We brought all of our Christmas presents over there and opened them together. Justin's parents spoiled the four of us way too much. I'm not complaining though! LOL. We really did get some wonderful gifts.
Towards the end of all the unwrapping, I still had not opened a gift from Justin. He asked me where it was, and I had no clue. Everyone stopped what they were doing. I could feel them looking at me as Justin grabbed another box from the side of the couch.
I opened it. I said nothing. I cried a little even. I was in shock.
This is what I saw when I got the wrapping paper off.
I have been wanting a new camera for a while now. Justin and I had talked about it, looked at them, talked some more, and finally decided we just couldn't afford it right now.
Well, he surprised me!!! I couldn't believe it. I got the exact camera I have been wanting! I cannot wait to start using it! I think I have the BEST husband ever!!!!
After that, I felt like what I got him could not compare. But it's what he wanted... a new tool belt and a DeWalt sander. He's such a handyman and I love it.
We went home, played with our new toys, and then went to bed. Bright and early the next morning we went back to his parents' house for lunch. His dad's side of the family was there.
When we left there we went to my dad's side of the family. It was bigger than ever this year and so much fun!

Of course, my Ava baby was there looking as cute as ever! She really made Christmas fun this year.

She opened her presents and loved every one of them! We especially had fun with her new orange ball and her foam blocks, which apparently were very tasty!
Uncle Mark made some of the best gumbo I have ever eaten. And then we had a variety of desserts. I stuffed myself silly and so did everyone else, I think.
Every year we take a picture of all the cousins. The past couple of years it has been growing. This has been the biggest group so far with three of us married and Miss Ava here now.
We finished out the night by going to see a movie with my aunt and uncle. We saw Valkyrie...not my first choice in movies, but it was pretty good. And I'll take any opportunity to go to the movies with my hubby cause that doesn't happen too often.
I hope everyone's Christmas was as perfect as mine. And I hope everyone remembered our precious Lord Jesus on His birthday!