Wednesday, February 9, 2011

snow, snow and more snow!

Last week schools were closed, and I was out of work almost all week.  We had a whole bunch of ice and then snow on top of that.  I can’t believe how many times it has snowed since we have lived in Texas.  I have always thought of Texas as such a hot state and figured the weather was very similar to the weather in NE Louisiana.  I guess it is most of the time, but I’ve seen more snow in two years than in my entire life.

Oh and it sleeted and snowed some more today too!  Craziness!!!

Of course last week I got all excited about the snow since I’ve rarely had the chance to play in the stuff… we went out for a little bit, and I snapped some pics.





At this point, I think I’ve had enough winter weather.  I’m ready to be able to drive around with the car sliding all over the road! haha!  And I’m ready to be able to wear only one layer of clothing at a time.  I guess I’m just ready for spring time in general.  I need some sunshine in my life!!!

1 comment:

jill said...

be careful!!!! you have extra special cargo, mom! :) you and your fuzzy baby are precious in the white stuff .. hope the rest of your week is great!